Thursday, December 23, 2010

we love to see Logan....

Sorry for the lack of updates...the hustling and bustling of the holidays have put me behind a little!!!

On Tuesday afternoon, Darren, Rebecca, and Logan had visitors.  Aunt Holly and Nana Gross came for lunch.

On Wednesday, Uncle Jim and Aunt Georgia came to visit Darren and Rebecca and Baby Logan.  They had lunch together as well.  Pat, Heather, the girls, and I were able to catch a quick Hi before they were off.  We then went over to the NICU and took turns seeing Logan.  Then, they watched the girls in the waiting area while I held my gorgeous nephew :o)  He is such a sweetheart!! He had his eyes opened the entire time I was there. [ I have pictures but they aren't off my camera yet...I'll post tomorrow sometime]. 

Addison and Kendra aren't able to go back to the pod where Logan is staying since they are so young, but that doesn't stop Addi from wanting to and asking every visit.  This time I let her pick out a Christmas outfit for Logan that she could give it to Aunt Rebecca to put it on.  I don't think they normally dress them when they are as 'wired' as Mr. Logan is but the sweet nurses made some exceptions to the rules:

Daddy and his little man

All for tonight

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