Tuesday, January 25, 2011

our last visits with little Logan....

These are some pictures from the last visits we had with our little Logan.  He was sweet and perfect and pure in every way.  Addison told us, "Please don't cry, Baby Logan is having meeting with Granddad, God, and Jesus".   We just want to keep in a condition that we can join them in meeting for eternity!!

Holding his hand and not wanting to let go

One of my beautiful girls and my handsome nephew

she sang him twinkle twinkle and abc's

telling Baby Logan about her cats, Lightning and Mater

"Hey nurse, what are all these babies doing anyways?
Are they eating and crying and having medicines?"

not wanting to let him go...

she wanted to constantly hold his hand to her cheek..."he's so soft and fluffly mama" 

giving some kisses...Logan had a few seizures while we were there...when Addison would see it start to happen, she would jump off my lap, put her finger to his lip that was twitching and then it would stop..."see, I fixed him Aunt Becca"

telling him stories and singing him songs....One song was "All Things Living"

she couldn't stop the kisses :o)

 Stretching up to Daddy

my beautiful sister and her handsome boy

helping him sit up

great pic of Rebecca and Logan...Addi looks a little rough
a smile from our precious Logan

pics by Addison:  Mama kissing her Baby

pics by Addison:  Logan sucking his thumb

Logan's little loft

 kisses from Gramma
 Granny snuggles
 sleeping in his 'big boy' crib
Granny and Logan's hands

 I love this picture of him...

 Gramma and her first grandson
 Granny and her first great grandson
 so precious
 his shirt says Daddy's Little Man...
Gramma holding Logan


  1. Sweet pictures - so glad Addison got a turn to hold him.

  2. Thank you Rachel... precious pictures and precious memories for all...

  3. Precious, precious pictures. Love Addison's comment. Thanks for sharing. Hugs!

  4. Very tender moments, and will be cherished always. Addi won't forget her sweet baby cousin! *HUGS*

  5. I'm so glad you had this time with Logan. They are precious memories for sure ...
