Monday, January 3, 2011

good day!!

Hello Everyone!!

Hope your holidays were fun and special!! We sure enjoyed being together.  It was hard to not have little Logan with us, but it seems as if he has been having good days during the holidays so we are all very excited and hopeful!!

The high level of phenobarbital medication seems to be working for helping keeping the seizures at bay.  Logan will go for periods of no seizure activity and then when he does have them they are not as frequent.  The doctors are working at tweaking his medication regimen again.  They want to take away the seizure medications slowly to find out which ones are assisting the phenobarbital and which ones aren't.  Even though Logan's phenobarbital level is high, he is alert and active.  The doctors continue to be blown away by his response!!

The last weight report is 9lbs 9 oz. 

Hoping to visit soon and get some more pics!!

Thanks for checking in...
Loving to have to post a boring update...

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