Monday, January 24, 2011

another update on Logan

Just a quick update this morning. 

Logan had a bad episode yesterday afternoon.  While the nurse was suctioning Logan's airway, his heart rate dropped to the 40's.  His nurses did not expect him to make it through the night, but he pulled through again.  

Darren and Rebecca are strong as ever, waiting it all through.  What an inspiration my sister and her husband are to me!! 

When I opened my hymnbook this morning - this is where I came to.

These few verses have been a comfort to me:

Let not my soul be filled with needless sorrow
When darkness gathers o'er my pilgrim way;
The One who cares today will care tomorrow;
His mighty hand will be my strength and stay.

In Thee, O Lord, my soul will trust today;
Help me to trust Thee alway.

Let not my hope in Christ be ever shaken,
But as an anchor firm and sure remain;
The trump shall sound, the dead in Christ shall waken,
To be with Him when He shall come again.
In Thee, O Lord, my soul will trust today;
Help me to trust Thee alway.

Thanks for standing by~


  1. I love how the perfect hymn always comes to mind when it's needed to bring a song to our otherwise sad and heavy heart in these kinds of experiences. Holding them in close in thought and prayer today (and everyday...)

  2. Rachel, Thanks for all the updates. Your whole family is an inspiration. I love how you find such comfort in the hymns. Something about music and words that seem to bring comforting understanding the very unspeakable feelings that weigh so heavy on our hearts. You are all proving the grace of God in this experience, and will reap rich treasure in our soul. Sending you all SO MUCH LOVE! xoxo Celia & Bryan

  3. behind you all 100%. Praying and thinking of you all.

  4. Words once again seem so inadequate but yes...both of you, Darren and Rebecca, are such an inspiration to all of us as you go through this experience. Love you both.

  5. Thinking of you all with love and care.
    Roger & Arlene

  6. We think of you and Tina. The poem "THE WEAVING" comes to mind.. "My life is but a weaving, between my Lord and me. I cannot choose the colors, He worketh steadily. Oft times He weaveth sorrow, And I, in foolish pride, Forget He sees the upper, and I the underside. Not til the loom is silent, and the shuttles cease to fly, Shall God unroll the canvas, And explain the reason why. The dark threads are as needful, In the Weaver's skillful hand, As the threads of gold and silver, In the pattern He has planned. He knows. He loves. He cares. Nothing this truth can dim. He gives His very best to those, Who leave the choice with Him. Appreciate your faith. Hugs to Logan, Love, George and Violet
