Sunday, January 9, 2011

holding his own....

We haven't had much to add this past week.  Logan has been holding his own.  The doctors are just working at lowering his phenobarbital level to one that Logan can function at and be alert while keeping the seizures at bay.  They are also trying to wean him off his other medications as we mentioned before.  It's so hard to be patient!! 

Darren and Rebecca spent Saturday night with us and we were able to be in meeting together this morning.  It sure was special.  Everything that was spoken was so helpful and fed our hearts.  A couple of hymns were sung: 

I will follow my Saviour o'er life's darkest way, And my heart shall not fear as I go; For His love cannot fail; it is stronger than death:  His own precious word tells me so.

Jesus came from the home of His Father on high To enlighten the world here below, Showing God's perfect way, His pure truth and His life:  His own precious word tells me so. 

I am conscious of weakness but strong in His grace; There is vict'ry when facing the foe. Jesus is my strong tow'r and my rock of defence His own precious word tells me so.

I will follow the Lamb where-so-ever He leads; All the prayer of my heart is to know How to walk in His way, undefiled to the end:  His own precious word tells me how.

CHORUS:  Unchanging my Saviour remains; My heart shall not fear as I go.  His love cannot fail; it is stronger than death:  His own precious word tells me so.

Another hymn was special:

Fair are the prospects all ahead, And good the land He offers free; The One who all our fathers led Will lead thee through:  He waits for thee.

After meeting, Terry and Pat watched the girls while Nate and I went up to see Logan with Darren and Rebecca. 

Logan is so stinkin' cute....well, you can see for yourselves.....

 taking his pacifier
 he still has CPAP on...which is the funny-looking contraption around his nose

 Logan has big feet and long toes

After we were with him for a little while, Karen and Aunt Marjorie came to visit with Logan.  It was so special to have them there.

I'll leave you with this picture....I love sister with her baby boy!!!

More pictures on Rebecca's camera of Darren and Logan [my battery died]...

All for tonight

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